
Our Mission

Our group's mission is to place a special emphasis on GIS work in health care and health research. We are working to develop and grow a group that would meet together in order to share and networking among those doing GIS work in the Chicago area related to public health and health research. Through a listserv and occasional group meetings we hope to allow ample opportunity to learn from one other, collaborate, hear what others are working on, and find opportunities to increase GIS awareness around us.

About the GIS in Public Health Group

Who are the members?

We welcome professionals, researchers, and students with any level of experience or interest in GIS. Membership is free and open to all.

Who are the organizers?

This group has existed in various forms over the past few years, and currently a small group of colleagues at Northwestern University are behind the efforts to revive and formalize the group.

What is the goal?

The group's goal is to provide a forum for collaboration and mutual assistance for GIS work in public health and health care.

Join the Listserv

To join the GIS in Public Health listserv, send an email to with a blank subject line and a message that says: SUBSCRIBE GIS [your first name] [your last name].
The email volume on the listserv is relatively low--only a couple of emails per week--so don't worry about having your inbox flooded.

Contact the Organizers

To contact the group organizers, you are welcome to email , , or directly.
We welcome all comments, questions, and suggestions.




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